QCA Pools and Spas
Pool Floc swimming pool water clarifier in a 1 quart size. Our Swim N Spa Pool-Floc aids in settling water particles to restore water clarity. Restores water clarity by settling water particles to the bottom of the pool where they can be vacuumed out.
For Cartridge Filter Pools: You must have the capability to vacuum to waste
(by-pass filtration) to properly use this product as a flocculant.
Test pool water pH with a reliable test kit, adjust pH to 7.2 or greater
if necessary.
For highly turbid pool water, turn off pump; and dispense approximately
4 oz. of this product per 5,000 gallons of water evenly over the water
surface and then immediately brush pool walls and steps. Wait 24-72
hours to allow organic and inorganic articles to settle to pool floor.
Cartridge Filter Pools:
With the pool pump off, remove filter element and then reassemble filter
canister. Prepare to manually vacuum pool to waste. Turn pool pump on
and slowly vacuum pool until heavy sediment is removed. Turn pump off,
reinstall filter element, and resume normal filter operation for at least 24
hours. Monitor pressure on pool filter and if pressure exceeds your normal
operating pressure: turn system off, clean filter element and then resume
filtering until pool is clear and free of sediment.
Sand and D.E. Filter Pools:
With the pool pump off, prepare to manually vacuum pool to waste. Turn
pool pump on and slowly vacuum pool until heavy sediment is removed then
resume normal filter operation for at least 24 hours. Monitor pressure on pool
filter and if pressure exceeds your normal operating pressure, backwash pool
and then resume filtering until pool is clear and free of sediment.
This product may be used as a part of weekly pool maintenance to
prevent the pool water from becoming cloudy or turbid. Apply 1 oz. of
this product per 5,000 gallons of pool water directly into the skimmer or
around the pool perimeter while the circulation system is in operation.
Note: Spa Sauna Direct only ships pool and spa chemicals within the continental United States.