Water therapy dates back thousands of years.
We could not live without water and our bodies need water – both to drink and to bathe. The buoyancy relieves pressure on joints and arthritic pain. Heated water soothes and warms us, relieving tension and stress. Add in jets and hydro-massage helps relieve pain and stiffness from tired muscles.
While the health benefits are many, here are some reasons a hot tub can make a difference to improve your health: QCA Spas help relieve stress. The warm water soothes and cocoons the body. The buoyancy in the water provides welcome relief to arthritis and joint pain. Portable spas also help you deal with signs of physical stress, including insomnia, sore back, tension headaches and tense muscles. Time spent relaxing helps with psychological and social stress.
Sleep Better
Scientific journals show study results including that soaking in a hot tub prior to bedtime will not only help you to fall asleep, but will also provide a deeper, more relaxing sleep. Getting a good night sleep helps the body replenish and renew. Learning to wind down before you go to sleep by making a pre-bedtime soak a ritual, can help you disconnect and decompress before going to bed.
Arthritis Relief
A publication from the Arthritis Foundation, Spas, Pools, and Arthritis, shows that "Regular sessions in your hot tub helps keep joints moving. It restores and preserves strength and flexibility, and also protects your joints from further damage." Many arthritis sufferers feel an improved level of mobility in the spa.
Heart and Circulation
A Mayo Clinic study showed that the natural increase in heart rate from using a spa on a regular basis is beneficial for health. The warm water and hydro massage help improve circulation. For best health benefits, keep your sessions to 15 minutes or longer, and keep the temperature no higher than 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Of course, as with embarking on any health Improvement program, check with your doctor first.
Aqua therapy has been proven to relieve both the stiffness and pain of sore muscles caused by tension, hard work, sports and more.
QCA Spas, Inc. specializes in developing state-of-the-art patented hydrotherapy seats and jets designed to deliver the ultimate massage experience! Customize your hydrotherapy massage at the touch of a button.
More studies about hydro-therapy can be found in the following links:
Hydrotherapy, (HolisticOnline.com) | Hydrotherapy Research, (BioMedCentral.com) |