Every QCA Spas comes standard with the Pure Water Management System
- The QCA PURE Water Management System works automatically. It’s like the cruise control on your car, set it and forget.
- Our high flow system filters over 30,000 gallons per day filtering 4 hours twice a day.*
- Purge Cycles automatically come on and moves the water through all of the plumbing. This moves potential stagnant water through the filter.
- The pump pulls surface contaminants like body oils, perspiration, dead skin, and hair into the vortex skimmer and allows the filter to trap it.
- The vortex skimmer skims the debris like a tornado encouraging 100% use of the filter.
- The pump pulls debris sitting on the floor of the spa into our safety suction fittings and forces the debris up and into the vortex skimmer.
- Skimming and floor to surface filtration creates a 100% filtration system.
- The filtered water is then pushed through the high output ozonator which converts oxygen into ozone. The Mazzei Injector splits the ozone bubbles into thousands of smaller ozone, bacteria killing bubbles and injects these with the filtered water into a contact chamber.
- The thousands of ozone bubbles maximizes contact with bacteria and contaminants to destroy the bacteria and contaminants. Once contact and destruction are made, the ozone is converted back to oxygen.
- Any unused ozone is introduced into the spa water through a dedicated jet.
- QCA’s Mineral Purifier-This cartridge uses silver ions to destroy bacteria and algae. The antimicrobial power of the use of minerals produces cleaner, fresher and clearer water.
*Low flow circulation pumps dedicated to filtering are among the most common part replaced in a spa because they run 24/7.
QCA Spas are designed with optimum water filtration in mind.
Filter media in each QCA Spa is selected to exceed the filtration requirements to maintain clean and clear spa water.
QCA Spas filter systems allow for easy access to the filter cartridge for cleaning or replacement. Bulky filter canisters can take up precious hot tub space and also force the hot tub owner to drag a dirty filter sideways back through the spa, allowing filtered contaminants to reenter the water. A top-load filter allows for vertical removal of the cartridge filter element and also takes up less space in the spa.
Easy access, quality filter media and an optimally sized filtration system makes hot tub filter maintenance simple.
M-W-F Spa Maintenance Program is an easy to follow water maintenance system for complete spa water care. Many QCA Spas models also feature an integrated tablet dispenser within the filter system for easy water sanitation. You can buy replacement QCA Spa filters online or from your local QCA Spas dealer.
Filtration cycles are controlled by industry leading Balboa electronics. During a filter cycle, spa jets automatically turn on and water is pumped through the filter media at predetermined times during the day to keep spa water pure and clean.
QCA Spas properly designs and sizes each spa's filtration system based on decades of research, unlike other spa companies, so you don't end up having to clean or replace 2 or even 3 or more filter cartridges. By assuring the surface area of the filter for each QCA Spas hot tub is sized correctly based on a particular spa's water volume, number of jets, flow rate per jet and other factors, a single cartridge filter keeps replacement costs low and maintenance a breeze.
Cartridge filter products are not only used in spas but also in much larger pools indicating the suitability of using cartridge filters to keep water clean indoors or outdoors. When sourcing replacement cartridge filters, be sure to order the correct sq.ft. size filter by measuring the actual filter length, diameter and center hole diameter. With these measurements, it is easy to order replacement cartridge filters online or through your authorized QCA Spas dealer. You can also buy QCA Spas accessories, water treatment products and parts online.
The installation of the filter is as easy as removing the existing filter and installing the new one. The filter should be cleaned regularly and replaced every year or so depending on hot tub use. Removal of the cartridge filter may involve rotating and removing a protective filter cover to access the filtration compartment. Enjoy ultimate relaxation in your QCA Spa!